The Mindful Marketers
Efficient and effective marketing for the SMEs of today

If you are looking for marketing support, advice and guidance, you have landed in the right place! The Mindful Marketers is here to ensure you have a constant flow of customer leads through well thought out and successful marketing where the customer is at the heart of everything.

Whether you are looking to help yourself and your own understanding, upskill your team or want support with a one-off project, our team are on hand to help.

We come across so many business owners that feel overwhelmed with the choices available, confused by all the jargon and who are frustrated after trying the latest “we’ll give you instant success” campaign.

Using the breadth and depth of our combined experience, we are able to help you find or navigate the right path for you and your business success.

How The Mindful Marketers can help!

With so many companies out there we know it can be hard to find the marketing partner that is right for you and your business but rest-assured we are confident we will be able to help you, whatever stage you are at on your marketing journey.

Just starting your marketing

You know you need to be marketing your business but where do you start? Juggling running your business with all the needs of being an entrepreneur, leader, manager and do-er can be challenging. You have to wear so many hats and sometimes you just don’t have time to do it all, and if truth be told, you shouldn’t be doing it all.

Here at The Mindful Marketers we appreciate the challenges you face and have structured our services to offer you a choice of solutions that works best for you and your business.


Frustrated by the lack of results

Already marketing your business but not seeing the results you expected? We can help! Marketing is so much more than simply popping a post on Instagram, as an example. Thought, planning and understanding are key.

We can offer you a fresh perspective on what’s been done to date and also look at who your ideal customer is, where they are and what pain points they have. This then provides the framework for moving forward.


Grow your marketing

Looking to expand your marketing? If you are already marketing your business but are looking to do more, get in touch. You could be looking to upskill your existing team skills or your own. Maybe you want some with planning and strategic thinking and would like to outsource. Or need some support on a project.

Help is at hand with our comprehensive range of support packages which can be tailored around you and your specific business needs.


Why Mindful Marketers?

Our team have worked within the marketing arena for many years, and for some of the team this is more years than they would care to admit ;-) This experience, much of it spent working for some of the UK’s largest brands, means our team have seen it all!

They have also had the benefit of spending big budgets to understand what works and importantly, what doesn’t. The learnings they take from this means you don’t have to waste your money, no matter how big or small your budget is, on activity we know won’t work - we can spend your time, effort and money on the activity that’s right for you and your customers.

Our Promise To You

We set up The Mindful Marketers as we were constantly meeting people frustrated by their marketing performance and confused by all the terminology, changing algorithyms and new channels that are coming to market.

Here at The Mindful Marketers we promise to:

  • Be open and honest about what will and won’t work for your clients
  • Test and learn from everything we do so that there’s a cycle of continual improvement
  • Leave the jargon at the door and be clear
  • Support you to understand what’s going on through regular feedback







Get In Touch

If you would like to talk through how things are going and how we can help, get in touch. A conversation comes with no obligation.

Telephone: 07815 870596


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